Our Story
Maguire Public Relations, Inc. is headquartered in Manhattan and headed by Jennifer A. Maguire. Jen is a public relations specialist in lifestyle brands, media, tech, and nonprofit campaigns. She has a strong background in publicity, product placement, promotions, advertising, brand licensing, cause-related marketing, and segmented markets.
Prior to launching Maguire Public Relations, Inc. in 2002, Jen worked inside major media and marketing corporations, including Grey Advertising on the Revlon account, Playboy Enterprises, BET, Seventeen media, and Urban Latino magazine. While at Seventeen, Jen was Director of PR for the publication and the brand's unique in-house, 30-person, full-service marketing department which produced 200 in-store/fashion show/concert/broadcast live events yearly. She directed marketing communications for the brand licensing program with top manufacturing partners in accessories, books, and beauty. Her career includes experience in political campaigns where she worked closely with the White House press corps, White House advance teams, and The Secret Service.
Jen graduated with a B.A. in Public Relations from the University of Georgia College of Journalism & Mass Communication and minored in Business and Speech Communication. Her student internships included reporting for university and community newspapers, college campus marketing events for Miller Brewing, and data entry for The New York Times Information Services.
Volunteer work includes The American Run For The End of AIDS (AREA) and their annual co-production with GMHC of NYC World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil and The American Indian Community House (AICH).
Jen is a member of the Public Relations Society of America, (PRSA), Women's Media Group, NY Women in Communications, Freelancers Union, and PR, Marketing & Media Czars.